Looking for something a little more … personal?

Custom classes, in your home, can accommodate just your family, can gather a small, private group of friends, or simply be tailor-made to what you want to learn about – and nothing more, but nothing less.

Register below and we’ll contact you with a full list of possible topics you choose from to create your class.  It is a simple form that breaks down each topic into time slots so you’ll know exactly what you’re selecting and also how much time we’ll need together! From there, the curriculum is specifically broken down into manageable sections, again, just for you.

Private classes are $50.00 an hour. Length and number of sessions are determined by what you want. And they will always be in the location of your choice.


  • 2 hour in-home Prenatal Breastfeeding Consultation
  • 9 hour total private Childbirth Education classes, usually broken into 3 sessions
  • 4 hour Personal Childbirth refresher
  • Or, most common, create your own, as individual as birth itself

Contact me for the topic list, or let me know what you’re looking for!


Register for Customized Private Class(es)

Fill out the following information and I will be in touch to discuss scheduling and cost.

Name (required)

Email (required)

Telephone (optional)

Please tell me a little more about what you're hoping to learn: