Important Questions, re: Your Perinatal Education

1) Who is teaching the class? Can you find the instructor’s information beforehand? What are their qualifications, certifications, and continuing education credentials? 2) Is the class convenient for me? Meaning, if you sign up, will you both actually get to go? Or can a friend, sibling, or parent go with you? 3) Is there a philosophy being taught? Are there any conflicting sponsorships? 4) Make a list of the subjects you

Ready to learn about Newborn Baby Care

You’re expecting, and you’ve read the books you want to read, you’ve attended the childbirth classes, and had the conversations with your care provider about your birth. You’ve registered, baby showered, shopped, and painted. Maybe you’ve even hired your birth and/or postpartum doula! The point is, you are ready. Wait. What about the baby part? Psychologically speaking you weren’t ready to learn about baby care until now! Until 36/37 weeks

A Week of Launch Giveaways

This Week of Giveaways, August 1-7, 2016, is Over! Scroll down to see the AH-mazing things people won, and subscribe to the newsletter to be a part of the next one! Welcome to the new Modern Breastfeeding + Education! This new site is a way to get easy access to prenatal education classes, in person individualized lactation support, and community resources such as our All Moms postpartum group series. But first,