World Breastfeeding Week 2016

You may have noticed that the Week of Giveaways and this site’s launch coincided with World Breastfeeding Week. If not, then your social media algorithms are probably less attuned to breastfeeding and mom-based themes than mine. Huh, go figure. What is World Breastfeeding Week? This week, much like other social awareness campaigns, is a week set aside to promote and create awareness around breastfeeding. Sadly, in the United States this

A Week of Launch Giveaways

This Week of Giveaways, August 1-7, 2016, is Over! Scroll down to see the AH-mazing things people won, and subscribe to the newsletter to be a part of the next one! Welcome to the new Modern Breastfeeding + Education! This new site is a way to get easy access to prenatal education classes, in person individualized lactation support, and community resources such as our All Moms postpartum group series. But first,

Open Letter to the Client who Didn’t Want to Breastfeed

An Open Letter to the Client Who Didn’t Want to Breastfeed, This story is a long time coming, because at the time I was a newly trained doula. I was only in your apartment two minutes for an interview, your toddler enjoying her nap, when you looked at me with worry, and said “I don’t want to try to breastfeed this baby. Is that OK?” I’m sure the pause that followed

Comprehensive Childbirth Education Series

Classes held at 5011 Kenwood Rd.
This is a truly comprehensive childbirth education class that skips “methods” to instead focus on you learning about what you want, and how you cope, with everything from pain to making medical decisions as a team with your care providers. That’s right – we aren’t afraid to talk about pain in this class! Plus this ends with a breastfeeding class that is open to registration for all.